I spent two days near Lancaster, Ohio, to explore Hocking Hills State Park on the recommendation of a friend. The geology in the park is striking and unusual, at least to me, but very difficult to capture in photographs due to the scale (huge) and low light, plus some arduous but lovely trails. What they call “caves” were not the caves I am used to seeing. To me, a cave is an enclosed hole in the earth, you know, where it’s dark with bats and such, like Mammoth Cave; to them, a cave includes an enormous (!) overhang. Unfortunately, there was not much water in the waterfalls. Sometimes you just have to be lucky. Their caves and trails were very impressive, however. There is a natural bridge they call Rock Bridge, a hilly mile and a half hike each way. On the way home, I roamed the backroads and explored the rural countryside, breaking out the infrared camera..